Zurich-Schwamendingen, 2018–2023
Competition, 2018, 1. Prize
The two large buildings comprising the Riedacker cooperative residential development are located in northern Zurich. They are set within a heterogeneous setting between Altwiesenstrasse and Dübendorferstrasse. Here, Albert Steiner’s garden city transitions into the ensembles of late modernism. The immediate context includes single-family and commercial buildings and a church. The two buildings acknowledge Schwamendingen’s garden city qualities, but interpret them in a distinctive configuration and a new mode of living.
This dwelling form centers around a large square space that occupies each corner of the building. The space is divided by two diagonally inserted glass membranes into a kitchen, a living room, and a terrace. We have compared this spatial structure to a arbor and spoken of living on a large terrace. In the four- and five-story buildings, living beside the garden is, as it were, stacked.
The staggered massing is wrapped by a thin outer skin featuring a finely woven network of aluminum, glass, and wood. The bright interiors transition into dark, hard-surfaced stairways, which, for their part, boast exterior qualities – the g arbor of each apartment is, figuratively speaking, directly accessible from the outside and yet part of an interior collective.
Competition team
Peter Baumberger, Karin Stegmeier, Ron Edelaar, Elli Mosayebi, Christian Inderbitzin, Phillip Türich, Kevin Dröscher, Lou Münger, Ronan Crippa, Rabea Kalbermatten
Project team
Peter Baumberger, Karin Stegmeier, Ron Edelaar, Elli Mosayebi, Christian Inderbitzin, Phillip Türich, Katrin Pfäffli, Lou Münger, Charlotte Samtleben, Giacomo Matasci, Daniel Sigrist, Dominic Aeberhard, Alexander Poulikakos, Sébastien Ressnig, Amos Mauri, Anna Oexle, Pascal Schelper, Kevin Quinlan
Baumberger Stegmeier Architektur (BS+EMI Architektenpartner AG)
Baugenossenschaft Glattal, Zurich
Landscape Architect: S2L GmbH Landschaftsarchitekten, Zurich
Civil Engineer: WKP Bauingenieure AG, Zurich
Timber Construction Engineer, Fireprotection: Pirmin Jung Schweiz AG, Rain
Building Services: Böni Gebäudetechnik AG, Oberentfelden
Electrical Engineer: Gutknecht Elektroplanung AG, Au
Building Physics: Raumanzug GmbH, Zurich
Wohnen, 9/2018
best architects 25