EMI Architekt*innen
Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin
Weststrasse 70
CH–8003 Zurich
Phone +41 44 515 54 00
Press and media inquiries
Ron Edelaar, Architect
Elli Mosayebi, Dipl. Architect ETH
Christian Inderbitzin, Dipl. Architect ETH
Christian Franke, Architect MSc TU
Peter Gaub, Architect Dipl.-Ing. TU
Alexander Gebetsroither, Architect MSc TU
Andrea Grolimund, Architect MSc ETH*
Mirella Mascolo, Architect MSc USI AAM
Andreas Monn, Architect MSc ETH
Ramin Mosayebi, Architect MSc ETH
Charel Muller, Architect Dipl.-Ing. TU*
Katrin Pfäffli, Architect MSc ETH*
Phillip Türich, Architect Dipl.-Ing. TU*
Architects, Construction Management and Interns:
Nicolo Giovanella, cand. Architect MSc KIT
Maya Keim, Architect MSc RWTH
Daniel Trimmel, Architect MSc TUW
Max Balbach, cand. Architect MSc KIT
Gabriel Stark, Architect MSc KIT
Daniel Minenko, cand. Architect MSc KIT
Elena Hauenstein, cand. Architect MSc ETH*
Philippe Strauss, Architect MSc ETH
Žan Kočunik, cand. Architect MSc ETH*
Sophia Primig, cand. Architect MSc TU
Ludovica Dalsasso, cand. Architect USI AAM
Guillaume Roth, Architect MA ZFA*
Kevin Kummerow, Architect MA ZHAW*
Sibe Duijsters, Architect MSc
Tobias Moritz, Architect MSc KIT
Phillip Bollinger, Architect MSc TU*
Lena Geiselbrechtinger, cand. Architect BSc BUW
Cornelius Braam, Architect MSc
Lukas Moratzky, cand. Architect BSc KIT*
Niklas Aust, cand. Architect BSc KIT
Priscilla Bader, Architect MSc ETH*
Julia Janiel, Architect MSc TU
Piotr Paczkowski, Architect M.Arch. UMA*
Pascal Steinmann, Architect MSc ETH*
Bennet Scherer, Architect BSc BUW*
Niklas Häggmark, Architect MA ZHAW
Christian Weber, Architect MSc ETH*
Patrick Bundschuh, Architect MSc KIT
Elias Ludwig, Architect MSc TU
Carole Trüb, Architect MA ZHAW
Uma Fernández Pérez, Architect MSc ETSAV
Elena Miegel, Architect MA KAD
Steven Knopp, Architect MSc KIT*
Anna Ludwig, Architect MSc ETH
Sara Lazarevic, Architect MSc ETH
Sasha Lebid, Architect MSc ETH
Ariana Di Comun, Architect MA ZFH*
Annika Kofler, Architect Dipl.-Ing. TU*
Giacomo Matasci, Architect MSc USI AAM*
David Urich, Architect MSc KIT
Alisa Labrenz, Architect MSc ETH
David Leber, Architect MSc KIT
Zoe Boermann, Architect MSc ETH
Sascha Gsell, Architect MSc ETH*
Kai Pieper, Architect MSc BUW
Beatrice Maineri, Architect MSc POLIMI
Sven Fawer, Architect MSc ETH
Basil Bründler, Architect MSc ETH*
Dorothée Müller, Architect MSc ETH*
Charlotte Decollogny, Architect MSc USI AAM
Lisa Kahl, Architect MSc KIT*
Nadine Jaberg, Architect MSc ETH*
Patricia Bachmann, Architect MSc ETH
Géraldine Storb, Architect MSc ETH
Paul Eckert, Architect MSc USI AAM
Anna Kessler, Architect Dipl.-Ing. TU
Mathilde Sudan, Architect MSc ETH
Julie Rigling, Architect MSc ETH
Adrian Richter Sibila, Architect ir. MSc TUD
Michael Stirnemann, Architect MSc ETH*
Maximilian von Zepelin, Architect MSc BUW
Lou Hofmann, Architect MA TU
Patric Hütter, Architect BA ZFH*
Lou Münger, Architect MSc EPFL*
Katharina Sommer, Dipl.-Ing. TU, M.A., PR & Communication*
Michael Brotzer, Architect MA ZFH
Kevin Dröscher, Architect MSc ETH*
* BS+EMI Architektenpartner AG